Big Breach
>> Jan 31, 2010
Although we did not see much whale activity today, we saw a single adult breach not too far off the cliffs. It was a treat!
Read more...BLUE SEA HOUSE - Kea'au, Hawaii
Although we did not see much whale activity today, we saw a single adult breach not too far off the cliffs. It was a treat!
Read more...At the disappointment of many tourists, for about three 3+ weeks the lava has not been entering the ocean. Apparently the lava is pooling on the hillside. Check out eh NPS Kilauea update report. Below is a recent map of the flows.
Last night we went outside to listen to the whales. We heard the typical blow and grunts. However, in addition we heard a new sound - it was a grrrrrrrr or brrrrrrrrrrr. Kind of like a motor running. We know it came from the whales because the sound moved in the ocean. Hmmmmmmm?
Read more...We heard the sound and by the time we looked at the ocean, we only saw the surface water markings of breach, dang! Then we spotted two small pods of 2-3 were only 50-100 yds off our cliff. We saw backs and flukes as they seemed to glide away... Hopefully they will back!
Read more...Yesterday in the late afternoon, we saw our first whales of the day. I spotted them from the guest shower. We watched three pods until it was time to make dinner. One was very close to the cliffs and we could hear the blows. The other two pods were further out so binoculars were needed. Scott watched a baby breach and tails slap. Then in the night, we heard the most amount of whale sounds we have heard this season.
Read more...Last night I heard whales breaching and tail slapping.
Read more...Scott and I were kept entertained during lunch watching a mother and calf off our sea cliffs. the young calf seems to have learned the "tail slap" technique!
Read more...After a long day or watching football, (mostly Scott), landscaping. laundry and house projects we sat down around 5PM to watch for whales. Well, we saw a mother and calf and a pair that continued to dive in unison! I was able to watch the swimming par from our oceanside shower. That was a first!
Read more...Around 3PM I was watching a mother and baby off our sea cliffs. At times the two were only 90yds from us. There activity was rather passive for a couple hours. We would see their backs and blows. Then around 5PM as I was at the stove cooking dinner, I saw some white water. Well the little one was out of the water breaching. This is the first baby breach we have seen this season!
Note: I did not take this picture! But this represents what I saw, only the calf I saw was a bit smaller then this one.
Although we did not spend much time watching for whales today, we did sit down with a glass of wine around 4:30PM and within 5 minutes saw some fin slaps, tail slaps and finally a full breach! The whale was far from the cliffs, but w could see all of the action without using binoculars.
Read more...We saw quite a bit of activity today! At one time I saw at least three pods of three each and a singleton!. However, most of the activity was quite passive. Except for a few fin slaps and another spy hop. I alomst forgot, we did see two breaches, but they were quite far away.
Read more...Saw my first spy hop about 15 minutes ago. Apparently, all the activity we have bee seeing and hearing this AM is from a pod of three whales, the typical - mother, calf and escort. Unfortunately, I have to start the working part of my day! Whale watching is time consuming. After the whales dive, it can be 10-15 minutes before they surface again (or longer if they are large whale)s.
Note: Picture compliments of the internet - I was not camera ready!
We we got up this AM to sounds of a whale; breaching and tail slapping. Unfortunately, it was too dark to see anything. We got our coffee and went to sit outside to hear more. Within a few minutes the ocean got brighter as the morning twilight arrived. But no more whale sounds. However, I did see a fluke in the dim light. I am waiting for more...
Read more...We hear one grunt in the morning and then one at night. That's all folks... (:
Read more...The coqui frogs have been very quite lately. Is it the dry weather???
Read more...Went to a wine tasting event yesterday in Leilani Estates hosted by Janet and Dan. Fun time, met some interesting people. We will probably go to the next International event in February. The new mission for the events is that they include a learning component.
Read more...At about 3:15PM I saw my first tail slap of the season. I could hear oooohs and aaaaaaaws from others who must have also been watching.
Read more...Around lunch saw some great breaches. Scott was in town so missed it. About 75 yds off the sea cliffs I saw a pod of three. First it was the big splash on the surface,but I missed the actual breach. Then I saw the whale breach again and again and again! No breach activity from the other two whales which I believe were a mother and calf.
Read more...With the high cost of food, the idea of a kitchen garden is appealing. Although we will probably put in raised garden beds this is a great looking kitchen garden! Might consider U shaped raised beds. A garden is one of our many projects on the to-do-list!!! :)
Scott is off to Hilo Town for multiple activities, one of which is to go to the drving range and test out his healing thumb which he broke playing softball in December. He is in need of some golf!!!
Read more...Saw our first mother and baby humpback off the sea cliffs today at about 11:15AM. Very little activity especially from the mother. We figure the baby was nursing and resting...
Read more...excerpt from the 01/07/10 Hawaii Tribune Herald
Saw some spectacular breaches and fin action yesterday around lunch time. Then some great singing later in the evening and some again at 4AM.
Read more...Yesterday we purchased our baseboard material and will be starting the project today. I will be sanding and painting to get the material ready for Scott to install. Then it will be caulk and touch-up paint before it is all done. Work, work, work, work, WORK!
Read more...Lots and lots of whales noise tonight! From 7-30PM til 9:30PM and it is still going on! We walked out to the cliffs edge three times. Scott saw the white water from a breach!
Read more...As I was working on the grass around 5:15PM tonight I looked up and saw what looked like a fish jump in the ocean! Or perhaps a spinner dolphin, but I did not see any fins and dolphins are always in pods. Our neighbor was on his lanai and about five minutes later noted another jump. Both of us went to the oceans edge to see something swimming away from the cliffs. Was it a spinner dolphin? A baby whale, but no blows?! Well, it was a manta ray! The first I have seen out there. We have heard that they are sometimes seen in the local waters, but this was a first for me!
Saw a single whale around 6PM and I think I "heard" it again around 7:30PM. But not much whale activity today.
Read more...While watching a movie last night (Angels and Demons) we actually heard a whale over the movie sound track! The night time whale sounds are always a treat!
Read more...The VOG has moved in and is predicted to be around through Thursday! Yuck!
Read more...We were hoping for clear skies again tonight to see the 98% full moon. However, it was not to be... We were sooooooo lucky last night to see the full blue moon with a clear horizon!
Well the horizon was clear at 6:12PM last night and a group of us witnessed a gorgeous moon rising out of the water!!! Most had not seen a moon rise over the water so it was a special treat! Scott and I are hoping to see it again tonight, just about an hour later then last night!
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